I can't believe that it is almost Summer! March is almost over and school will end in only a few more weeks! Time sure has been flying by in our house lately! Trevor has about 6 more weeks of school plus finals week! Olivia turned 14 months this week and is growing up way too fast! Kim is busy keeping up with a growing toddler and keeping up on bills and a house that turns into a mess quick with the toddler running around!
We didn't get to do anything fun for Spring Break because we will be going on 2 full weeks of vacation this summer.. So Trevor has to work as much as possible to keep the business ahead of summer vacations (plus I didn't think it was fare for him to take off a couple days this week for Spring Break when we will be leaving in 2 months for a full week to California)
New news is that we officially traded in Granny the Grand Am for a 2010 Chevy Impala! We absolutely love it! We were gonna get a 2006 Jeep Commander but the more I thought about it I had a bad feeling about getting it and we both couldn't get past the thought of having to pay $100 a week in gas because it got 15 miles per gallon! It was a super nice car but we needed a car that would get good gas mileage so Trevor could use it to drive for school and work and not be forking out money every week! The Impala we bought is a charcoal gray/blue color ! It depends on what light you see it in! It has what looks like a bran new engine and parts... under the hood looks very well taken care of! It seats 5 but looks like there is enough room in the back seat for 3 car seats so we can grow into it a lot! It drives so smooth and is very quiet! You can barely tell the car is on when listening to it! The selling point that made us fall head over heals for this car instead of the Commander is it gets average 30 MPG on highway and 26ish City MPG! That is double the Commander and 8 more than we got in Granny (or goldie, depending on if you are talking to Trevor)
Granny the Grand Am was starting to over heat a lot and get very squeaky when turning corners. We were very afraid she would cer-plunk on us while driving to California one of the 2 times this summer! So we quickly got in touch with the best used car dealer in Northern Arizona (my Uncle Jeff Hancock) and got a car picked out and signed for in a week!
We are really busy all the time trying to keep up with a super busy toddler and also working on finding a new place to live! I think we have found a place to live that is in our same ward... but we jut need to wait to see what they say after they remodel the water main breaks that happened in the house! We should find out by the end of April so we can move in hopefully by the 2nd weekend of May so I can have our current place cleaned out of all our stuff!
The highlight of our day is when Trevor gets home, and Livy stand by the window waiting for him to drive into the driveway, and we can spend the evening talking and playing games and eat dinner together and then giving Livy a tub! Which by the way is still her favorite thing to do... she is gonna have so much fun this summer swimming at the resort and going to the beach on our vacations this summer!
We love the little family that we are! We love spending time together! We love to get Olivia laughing... she is such a happy and easy going little girl! I hope you had as great of the month of March as we did! Happy April in 4 days! WOW! Time is flying by this year!
Her hair is getting so much fun to fix with soap |
Ignore how much laundry there is.. she is a good helper with laundry |
"I. Love. You You You You You." |
Look at those big top teeth |
So tired that she fell asleep on dad like this |
She has a fascination of laying on her stomach frog like and blowing bubbles |
"Teese (she means cheese)" |
Daddy hanging out with the munchkin during Tubby Time |
Hopefully I can be better about posting on my blog more often! I don't even know if anyone reads it but it is like a journal for me since I hate smearing with a left hand writing in a journal!
Happy Almost April! Have a great Easter Weekend!