Sunday, August 18, 2013

The 4 year battle!!!

Today is one of those days where I kept looking at Trevor and thinking to myself "Man, I am so dang lucky." Lucky because, he could have given up the battle of 4 long years to win me over.

 I dont think many of you know our "Story." So, for just a fun recap to pass the time I will fill you in!

In 2006 I graduated High School. There was a Special EFY that was being held in June after I graduated in Showlow and Snowflake! I was told by my parents that this would be the last time that I would be able to attend EFY (I had only been 1 time before) so I decided to attend! My sister was going to be a counselor for it so I figured it wouldn't be that bad! I was going to be rooming with my cousin Mary and I was thrilled for that chance to spend time with her! I went to this EFY not expecting or even hoping to find friends from it because A: I was way older than anyone attending because I had already graduated High School and B: Why make friends when you get to go away to college and meet cute college guys right?!?


The first day was nothing that I can remember but then the second day... oh the second day... there was this skinny blonde headed kid that was super cute but who knew if I was older than him! Maybe I will become friends with his little brother who was in our same group and see what happens from there. ......... I really cant remember details but all I remember is that by the end of the week we were together constantly and he was "Interested" in another girl in our group but still acted like he liked me a little. By the last night, with the last dance we dance every slow dance together... we had a blast and laughed so much together! The morning we all were checking out we said our goodbyes and I had this thought in my head of "dang it. I will probably never see this guy again because he is from Snowflake, In High School still and I was moving to college in a month."


He emailed me the following day and asked if Mary and I would want to come meet him and his brother in Holbrook at the fair grounds. After some discussing with my parents I had the keys and my heart was racing and I couldn't contain my happiness! We went to to fair grounds, to Dairy Queen for Ice Cream and then to a park. We even held hands for the first time at Dairy Queen because I was so star struck by this guy and wanted too hold his hand... haha. Yes, I made the first move... :)

That date ended and then time went by. We "dated" the rest of the summer, which consisted of 24th of July festivities in Snowflake and a movie date in Flagstaff with a picnic at a park up there... it was so much fun but I couldn't continue to date this guy that I was falling head over heals for because I was moving off to college and he was going back to High School (yuck...) and it just wouldn't work out. So after him trying to convince me a couple times to stay around and go to school closer, we ended our "dating" and I went to school in St. George Utah.

WE kept in contact a little by email but nothing serious that whole year! The following summer we picked up where we left off a little and I just thought, "Oh you are going on a mission... I will be in Utah(the land of people getting married), who knows if I will be around when you get home." He tried giving me a promise ring but I laughed at him and told him my hate of boys asking girls to wait... and off he went to Serve a Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Russia.

Russia.... yeah right! Like I will be around when he gets home!


2 years passes and yet, I am still single (Thank You Mom for kidnapping me when I dated "Puke Boys") His younger brother (the one I met at EFY) emails me the week before he gets home and invites me to his homecoming. I work things out so I can come and I show up with Mary again!


My heart melted.. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. When our eyes first met, I think that same spark happened for both of us. To tell you the truth I seriously dont remember a word he said in his homecoming talk because I was probably thinking about wedding colors or something. haha :) After Sacrament we met out in the hall and he gave me a hug for the first time. Yes, I melted in his arms too.. :) I am so strange.. I know! I Brought my camera so we got a picture of Mary, Me, Him and his brother! The whole time we were taking pictures he had his arm around me and kept trying to tickle me like it was before his mission. (I hate being tickled and he knew it... but I loved him tickling me and he knew it) We went home after that picture and I came back a few days later and we sat on his parents front porch on their swing and talked. We talked about how the feeling were still there between us... and how much we wanted to make a relationship work. He kissed me, liked it was the first time (It wasn't the first time... the first time was at the movie in flag sorta and then at the 24th of July celebration back in 2006) We are now in 2009 people. 3 years later and these feelings for him were still there! I went home after that porch date and we lost contact. He got home in July and I didnt hear from him till September. He wanted me to meet him at the WInslow VS. Snowflake game in Winslow... I went even though I was annoyed at this Snowflake Boy that broke my heart by telling me he loved me and then never called me. Other details happened and I ended up moving to Utah to date another guy because this guy broke my heart and I was not gonna give him another chance.


He some how one night got the impression to call me late one October night after I had gotten home from a date with my boyfriend in Utah... I answered... all those feeling came flooding back to me.

After 2 weeks of every night talking on the phone with what I told my boyfriend was "A friend back home that was having troubles and needed my help to talk too to get over the problems." After those 2 weeks I realized that the guy I was dating was nothing I wanted in a future spouse and that dating was going no where and so I talked to my parents and decided to move back home. I moved home during the middle of the week and by the weekend was going to be having a date with him again. We went on our date and those feelings were there. We had already told each other that we loved each other and wanted to date. There was no way I was gonna let him forget about me again....

I moved back the week after Halloween. We were engaged January 23rd, 2010 and Married April 23, 2010! After 4 long years of this back and forth battle to win him over we finally sealed the deal!

Back to the point of the post.... I look at him and realize how lucky I am that through 4 long years we finally were sealed for Time and All Eternity and now I get to spend the rest of Eternity looking at my best friend and eternal companion and realize how lucky I am that he chose me.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8th, 2013!! Time sure flies when you don't have internet!

I have been wanting to post on our blog for a while now but...
A: We do not have internet at our house
B: We cannot get internet at our house because our place is not set up with cables to receive internet
C: We could go to Trevor's parents house and use their internet but we are too lazy to do that
D: We bum off our neighbors internet which is sketchy and something doesn't work for days at a time
E: I know I should have stopped at B

The point of the story is we don't have internet! We have tried many options to get internet but I am not going to pay an arm and a leg to have Verizon internet that is easy to go over your data plan! We hope to get internet again once we move out of the current place we are living but it is looking like we wont be moving till May next year ish! Well unless our Landlord's want us out before then so their kids can live here during the Holiday's... which is very possible!

Ok, enough rambling! I will just update about what is going on in our lives as of lately!

* Still working for his dad's company still driving propane truck... It is starting to pick up and get more busy but wont get crazy till the end of September or later!
* Scheduled to take 2 classes from NPC this semester which starts in about a week and a half! He is taking Biology and Chemistry! One class is from 6-9pm Monday and Wednesday in Showlow and the other is from 6-9pm Tuesday and Thursday in Holbrook! He will be very busy this semester during the week at nights with driving to class!
* He is training to do the Sweet-Triathalon on August 31st! He is really excited and loves how great he feels after the Tri! This will be his 3rd Triathalon (or 4th.. I cant remember) and I can't even say how proud I am of how hard he works and how much he loves it!
* Spends every available minute he has trying to get Olivia laughing. He sure loves being a daddy and he is very good at it too!
* He tries so hard to be available to help Kim around the house and makes sure she is not doing too much to hurt herself! He was a big help as we just re organized our house trying to make it more Livy proof and livable!

* Is busy trying to keep up on a house with Livy's toys everywhere and laundry that always seems to be over flowing the basket!
* She is due October 24th. Every time she goes to the doctor, he always says the baby is growing to size he should be! Our little man is not as active as livy was when Kim was pregnant with her, so Kim has to take time every night to lay down and make sure he is still moving so she knows he is still alive.
* We are trying to figure out sleeping arrangements for when our little guy gets here! Olivia loves her sleep and does not like sharing a room so she will have to get use to having someone else in her room when time comes.
* Has been trying to start a new thing personally. Kim is having a hard time with self confidence lately and personal worth, so she has been trying to do things that make her happy and know she has done something she is proud of herself for! It has been a long road but she is making some progress!

* Olivia weighed 24 pounds and measured 34 and a half inches at her last doctors appointment in July.
* She is 18 and a half months! She is growing up so fast and thinks that she can do everything adults can do!
* Her new favorite thing to do with her mom is to stand behind her on the couch, wrap her arms around her neck and see if her mom will stand up. She will hold on the her mom's neck and dangle like that until mom sits back down. Laughing the whole time.
* She has started hitting and throwing tantrums if she doesn't get her way. She is slowly learning that tantrums are not the way to get what you want.. and the hitting has almost completely stopped. (Hopefully... crossing my fingers)
* She goes to nursery and loves every minute of it. She does not even turn around to say bye when we take her in. She will just run into the room and start playing.
* Is learning so many new words. We can understand most of what she is saying... but then every once in a while she will get mad at you and tell you why by using hand gestures and you cannot understand any of the ramble. She loves telling stories and talking to us in the car... sometimes we are able to talk back to her if we understand!
* She knows Kim's phone is the way to talk to her daddy. She will pick up kim's phone and hand it to kim and say "daddy?" Once Trevor is on speaker, she will tell him a story and then walk away when she is done. Most of the time Trevor just starts laughing cuz he cannot understand her or he will try to get her to talk to him again. So funny to listen too!

There is a lot going on in our lives lately and we are pretty busy most days! We sure do love our little family and can not wait to meet our Little Boy coming around 11 weeks away. Hope you are having a great August and that school is going great for those that started already! Happy Thursday!

We went to Huntington Beach this summer with Kim's family and Trevor found this awesome Star fish at some cool tide pools! He was very proud!

At the tide pools... Russell Family July 2013!

Kim and Livy waiting for the 4th of July parade at Huntington Beach!

Kim and Livy at Newport beach with Trevor's family at the end of May!
Trevor went golfing during the summer and Livy and I road along for fun! She found a nice shady spot and I could not resist taking a picture! She is such an adorable rag muffin!

One night while in Huntington Beach  Livy fell asleep like this and we thought it was funny that both her and "baby" where positioned the same!

They were talking about something... I couldn't resist not taking a picture of this father daughter moment! They have the best relationship!