So I guess i havent posted since July of last year. I have had several family member and friends tell me that they miss me posting on my blog and so now that I finally have internet (after not having interent in our house for over 2 years) I have decided that I will finally post more. I want to keep a documentary of things that happen on Trevors journey through Nursing School down here so I am gonna start off with a little intro describing how we came to decide to move here.
In September of 2013 Trevor came home from a class feeling very bummed about his schooling. At the time he was taking classes from the community college called Northland Pioneer College(NPC). He had just had a meeting with the school counselor to talk about what classes he needed to get his Associates in Science emphasis in nursing. And the counselor had told him that they were planning on changing the requirements of what was needed to get that degree. He went into the meeting hoping she would say that he was in his final two classes to get the degree and would be able to apply for the nursing program that semester.... Not So!! She told him that they were going to add 5 new requirements to the degree and that it would put him back by about 3 years of doing more prerequisites to get into the nursing program (and to get his associates) He was so disappointed. That would be the third time in 3 years that they have added more classes or adjusted the requirements to be able to get his associates of science in nursing (what is needed to apply to NPC's nursing program).
Over the course of the next semester (septemer 2013-may 2014) we looked at several options because Trevor was almost to the point of quitting school and just working for his dad for the rest of his life delivering propane(not my idea of a job suited for Trevor, who was so set on becoming a nurse for the whole time we dated after his mission until this point.. he had big dreams and was crushed!) As we were looking a different schools and the idea of moving away from Snowflake Trevor came across a fast paced school down in the valley of the sun (Phoenix,AZ) that he would be able to be accepted and start the nursing program and finish with a bachelors degree as a RN within 18 months. He was so excited and had made so many plans to go meet with a couseler and take a tour of the campus the following weekend. Mind you, we were in the middle of the summer of 2014 so he was only working and had time that he could go do all of this. He made all the arangments to go too the school to make sure that is where he wanted to go and asked if the couselor would send him an email with financial obligatiions and how much it would cost. I was devastated. We got this email of how much the school would cost and I didnt want to make trevor feel bad but We could not afford to go there... and if we did go there we would have to take out students loans to help pay for the cost and we probably would never be able to buy a house in the future. The cost of this fast paced school that had a great rep. and accredidation would cost around $150,000 for the 18 months of the program. (and that price did not include books)
We had prayed about going to this school and Trevor was so sure that we were going to go and that Heavenly Father wanted us to go there. (I was not OK with it nor did I feel good about it... I could not get over that price) Trevor was so sure and was working towards being able to start Fall of 2014. In the meantime I was praying that something else would be put in front of him that would change his mind of this decision. Oh how I love when heavenly father answers prayers. About a month into his planning and my praying Trevor's oldest sibling called him and said "Hey, I know you guys have been frustrated with your current school at NPC and I have an idea. Shar and I (Chauncy) have been talking and were wondering how open to you guys moving down to come live in our trailer and go to school down here (they lived in Pima, AZ ) and Shar will watch kids for you guys so Kim can work to put you through school. The school down here has great accreditation and I loved going to school here." That was exactly what I wanted to hear. I had started praying for another opportunity to arise that would be cheaper and sound more appealing to Trevor. Trevor had recieved numerous answers to prayers that going to new school is what needed to happen for our family but he never recieved an answer that the school in Phooenix was the right school to got too.
WE started praying about the option of going to Eastern Arizona College down in the Gila Valley. Instantly we knew that it is where we needed to go. Plans started to fall into place of transferring his NPC school trascripts and being accetped into the school. In Fall of 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters Trevor took the final prerequisits he needed to be able to apply to the nursing program. Or so we thought.
Trevor applied into the nursing program in April 2015 and was accepted into the EA nursing program. we couldnt believe it. He had applied with a paper stating that he didnt have their top requirement of needing a Integrated Algebra class or placement score in Math of 60, but that he would take math in the summer and have that requirement finished before the Fall 2015 semster started. Through several set backs, he was not able to get that math class and after trying 2 times to take the math placement test he deicided that he would prefer that we moved down to the Gila Valley for the fall semester and take that math class that was needed and then reapply to the nursing program to start Spring of 2016. He was very bummed that he had to turn down his position for the nursing program when he was so close to being at the end of his schooling. But it turns out that being down here is what we were set up to do after all.
Today is his first day of school and he is taking his last class of his last semester of prerequisites. We are thrilled. I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished the past 3 years. He has buckled down to get his schooling done even though he has wanted to give up several times. He has been able to take an average of 13 credit hours per semester (Fall 2014 & Spring 2015) while working a full time job (and he actually had to keep his CNA current so he had to volunteer at a nursing home for a couple months... which turned into a second full time job because they wanted to hire him instead of him just volunteering) So we saw him an average of 1 hour a day for about 6 months (2 full time jobs, full time school and he was the scout master for the 10 yr old scouts) all so that he would be able to move down here to the Gila Valley to be able to get into a nursing program that is going to be so good for him. He is such a hard worker and we are all so proud of him.
Moral to this long story is... If you have dreams of becoming something, dont give up at the first or second or third problem or hard time in life. Keep trying and looking for a new way to make things easier. 5 years down of schooling and not getting anywhere.... after this current semester we will be able to do a 2 year nursing program. We are so excited. Thank you for all the prayers and help that we have received and had sent our way the past 3 years as we have been praying and struggling with how our life was not going anywhere.
Love you all so much! WE hope that your life is what you want it to be and that you are happy.
Happy Monday!
(P.S I forgot to say that we went to the temple and prayed and fasted for an answer of where we were to go and that the answer to move to phoenix was an answer that we just needed to be open to moving away. And then when we got the offer from his brother, we prayed and fasted again and received the answer that we need to be open to moving, and willing to go to where Heavenly Father wanted us to go and that we needed to go to EA and that we needed to get out of debt first. (We were able to get out of debt because of that second job at the nursing home. We were able to pay off about $20,000 in debt in this 2 year process because of all the blessing and prayers that were sent our way) We have received so many blessing the past year that have undeniably pointed towards moving down here. So far we love it (now that our house is working and we are not living out of boxes) I will try to update once a week on living down here.. to hopefully keep a journal of this experience for us. I have info to write for this past week, but Trevor just got home from his first day of school and we are gonna go buy a grill so that it isn't so hot in our house cooking dinner every night. I will try to post some pictures too. Love you all)