On Friday last week I went to my doctor for another weekly appointment! My blood pressure was up a lot (it has been creaping up for the past couple weeks but has never been this high before) so he increased my dosage of blood pressure medicine and then we started talking baby! He said that he will not let me go over my due date (which is Thursday Oct. 24th) so we needed to either get this baby coming on my own (which I have been trying to do for about a week now) or that we will have to induce! I was not thrilled about the idea of inducing because I was hoping to go on my own but I guess it is a better idea than my blood pressure increasing more and causing other complications the further along I am or over my due date.
So while we were still in his office he called the hospital to see what they had available for my due date day (they didn't have anything available) so then he started working his way backwards away from my due date.
The hospital scheduled me to go in Oct. 23rd Wednesday at 8pm to be induced! Trevor and I will go out to one last date night dinner before and then head to the hospital on Wednesday evening! My doctor said that he will let me walk around and do whatever I want once I get to the hospital so I am not strapped to the bed like I was last time. He will only monitor me every couple of hours... which we are hoping means that I wont be strapped down the whole time and I can walk around the hospital as much as I want. We will see what happens! We are hoping to add our new bundle of joy to our family by Thursday early in the morning but I guess we will just see what happens!
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers in our behalf while we have been waiting for this little munchkin boy to get here! We are so excited to welcome him into our family and can not wait to show him off too the world (and my blog family)
Happy Monday Evening! I hope you have a great week! We sure will with all the joy that will be happening this week!
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